Thursday, October 15, 2015

Brownie Caramel Cream Root Beer

I like caramel but this didn't taste all that great to me.  Richard says he doesn't recall liking it all that much either, he does however like the idea of it.  I look forward to trying a good caramel cream someday, this just isn't it.

O-So Butterscotch Root Beer

I like butterscotch root beer.  This was good.

Moose Wizz Root Beer

This one has a vanilla flavor to it.  I really enjoyed it.  Richard said he liked it alright and would drink it again as well.  I picked it out because there was a moose on it, and how can you go wrong with a moose?

Apple Beer

It's not root beer, but I bought it in an individual bottle so here it is.  When I first tasted this I was not so sure I liked it.  I had another sip and then another... before I knew it the bottle was gone.  We're cider fans around here but I'm not much of a drinker, this is a wonderful substitute for someone like me. (Richard did not get to try it as I drank it all before he even knew it was open).

Sprecher Honey Root Beer

I love honey.  And I love root beer.  I do NOT like honey root beer.  The person at the store warned me that it was a little flat so some people don't like it.  It is flat, I wasn't a fan of that.  But I really did not enjoy the flavor either.  Richard wasn't a fan either.

AJ Stephans ButterScotch Root Beer

I liked this, I enjoy a good butterscotch root beer.  I am a little behind on posting so I'm not 100% sure on my thoughts but I know I didn't dislike any of the ones we got recently that we had waiting to be posted.

The Original Firemans Brew Cream Soda

This was a cream soda, nothing more nothing less.  It was good, but I would just as readily drink it from a can.

Romano's Italian Soda Orange Cream

This was nothing spectacular.  It tasted good enough but I certainly wouldn't try it again.

Fentlman's Ginger Beer

When I first tried this I thought, wow that's strong I'm not sure I like it.  Then I had a little more, and a little more, and before I knew it the bottle was gone.  It is a strong ginger though, if you aren't a fan of that I would avoid it.  I loved it, Richard not so much.