Sunday, April 29, 2012

Red Arrow Root Beer

Richard really liked this one, me not so much.  If you like licorice and root beer this might be the root beer for you, however if you don't like licorice I really wouldn't recommend this one.  (Richard liked it so much he got a second one on another visit).

Friday, April 27, 2012

Olde Rhode Island Molasses Root Beer

I'm not really sure why I didn't just write a note or something saying what I thought about these things.  If I remember right this wasn't one of my favorites, but I could be remembering it wrong.  I wish I could remember, I would hate to get it again to try it and remember I really didn't like it.  (Note to self, if you aren't going to keep up on your blog at least write a note so you remember what you thought later, especially if you haven't been sleeping due to a newborn baby)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

dougie Dog Root Beer

We were still in our extremely sleep deprived state when we had this (and I wasn't keeping caught up on the blog).  I think I recall liking this and Richard doesn't recall ever having it.  So I'm not really sure what to say.  I think this is one I need to try again, we've found we like the butterscotch ones from other ones we have had, so I'm guessing I'll like it.  Though I think it would be good to remember having tried it.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bulldog Root Beer

So we got this when we were severely sleep deprived after our little ones arrival and honestly neither of us can recall liking it or not liking it.  Which to me means it was probably just okay.  Nothing special as we don't remember it as being something we wanted to make sure to get again, yet not something that we remembered as being bad either.  So I'm not certain what to say about this other then we tried it, we drank it, and it obviously didn't leave a lasting impression.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Spark's Fresh Draft Root Beer

This was just one of those meh Root Beers for me.  Nothing special but nothing horrible.  Which translates into; get something I liked better or try something new before getting this again.